
Friday 5 August 2011

How to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy

Every individual aspires to have an idyllic body weight to be in the pink of health always. is not easy and people tend to go to any extreme to get that desirable body. However losing weight is not as simple as one thinks. It needs a lot of motivation, dedication and hard work. The need to lose weight fast does not mean you have to go on a crash diet or hit the gym with a vengeance. The body needs to undergo slow changes in terms of diet and exercise. But by changing a few things, you can lose weight fast and healthy. There are some really easyt that include a healthy diet and a sensible exercise program which are really effective when it comes to weight loss.

An overweight person is at a high risk of many health related disorders like diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, stroke and cancer, etc. In order to avoid these disorders, it is important to keep a check on your eating habits and your lifestyle. Skipping meals or starving yourself to lose weight is not a healthy option either. Excess hunger will make you binge or overeat, leading to unhealthy weight gain. So to lose weight fast and healthy follow these methods for weight loss in a healthy way.

Best Way to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy
One of the best ways for . Here are some tips on how to lose weight fast by eating healthy and getting a well toned and flexible body. If you follow these steps, then you will discover that losing weight is not a Herculean task, as portrayed by many:
  • Reduce the use of red meat in your food as it is high in calories and other factors that are responsible for weight gain. Instead, you can replace red meat with poultry or fish in your burgers or sandwiches. This will be a healthier option as white meat has a low cholesterol and trans fat content than red meat.
  • Fried foods may look tempting but they are loaded with calories that are responsible for an easy weight gain. Junk food and chips should be a strict no-no if you are planning to lose weight. Eating junk food once in a while is alright but avoid it whenever possible. Instead of chips, you can snack on dry fruits, vegetable salads (without the dressing) and fruits.
  • One of the is to have soups or salads as starters before a normal meal as they have a tendency to curb hunger, control over eating and keep a check on the portions you consume, which are very essential factors for losing weight. Soups and broths made of vegetables will give a feeling of fullness and will also boost nutrients in your body. Salads must include green leafy vegetables that will make you get more fiber and make you feel full.
  • If you want to , cut down on the intake of carbonated and fizzy drinks. Sodas and sweetened drinks are packed with calories that go straight to the waist. Drinking enough water everyday will not only help in losing weight but will also clear your body of harmful toxins and other waste products. Alcohol is also known to increase calorie content in the body so it is best to stay away from it.
  • Avoid eating sugary biscuits, confectionery and crisps in between meals. Use sugar substitutes instead of sugar in coffee or tea.
  • It's very tempting to finish a meal with a dessert or something sweet but it also increases the calorie count in the body. However, for replace these calorie shooters with a fruit to reduce fat and calories. The body will also be benefited with extra fiber, minerals and vitamins.
  • Maintain a food diary to keep a check on what you consume and to see if you indulge in 'sinful' treats. This diary will also show your trouble areas and where you need to practice abstinence.
Exercises to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy
Apart from a healthy diet plan, it is also necessary to follow a proper alories and give you a flab-free body. Here is a list of some exercises that will help in weight loss in a healthy way:
  • Walking: Walking is considered to be the as it helps burn a large number of calories. A brisk
  • Bicycling: This exercise is the best calorie burner and can be done indoors (on a stationary cycle) as well as outdoors. The number of calories burnt depend on the speed and resistance of your cycling. Bicycling also tones the leg muscles.
  • Swimming: for an hour by doing lengths up and down the pool will help burn up to 800 calories. Another added advantage is that your entire body will also get toned.
  • Racquetball: This great cardio workout, which involves running side to side, will not only burn calories but will also tone the thighs and legs. The more brisk the exercise, the more calories burnt.
  • Dancing: Dancing is a wonderful and an enjoyable mode of exercise which not only burns calories but also acts as a great stress buster. will keep you active and an hour of dancing will burn about 800 calories.
  • Step Aerobics: These mainly target the hips, legs and the buttocks and is also the best exercise for weight loss specially for women as these are the areas where it is tough for women to shed excess weight. Doing step aerobics continuously for two weeks will yield noticeable results. Along with this exercise, can also be done to tone the abdominal region.

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