
Thursday 4 August 2011

Fashion Tips From Runway Models

I've been working with runway models for just over six years. From all the hustle and bustle back stage I got to learn a lot of fun and unexpected fashion tips and tricks from my model friends. These are quick fixes for a fashion emergency.

Slip Proof Heels
Runway models often have to wear crazy shoes that usually do not fit their actual size. To ensure a safe walk that will prevent the ankle bender on the runway, models will often pat the bottom of the heels with a paper towel soaked in soda, so when it dries, the bottom of the shoe becomes a little sticky, hence preventing the slippery cow move on the runway. I've also seen models scratch the bottom of the heel with a key or a knife; this makes ridges that help to prevent slipping as well. Stuffing shoes and heels is big thing in runway fashion. Your shoe is too big? Stuff it with some tissue, either in back or front, until you feel more secure in the shoe. Some models bring little inserts that keep their feet from slipping forward when wearing heels. You can get those in any shoe store or drugstores.

Bloat Free Stomach
Runway models often have to bare more skin then the average woman. Since they never know when their midriff is going to be on display, they have some tricks for a flatter and bloat free stomach. Papaya supplements or fresh papaya fruit is popular among the models to help prevent water retention and bloating. Named " fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya contains papain that helps to digest protein as well as reduce swelling, bloating, gas, acid reflux and indigestion.

Zit Zapper
Nothing could be a bigger bummer then getting a zit the morning of an event or the day before. Because models have to be camera ready at all times, they have a trick for zapping the annoying break out. Take of a couple of ibuprofen and crush it to a white powder. You can mix this powder with toothpaste or water and set it on the break out. The ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that helps to reduce swelling and redness. A girlfriend of mine is a runway model and she always carries a little container of crushed advil at all times as an emergency zit zapper. You can also buy packets of aspirin powder and mix with water or toothpaste, see what works best for your skin.

Beauty, styling, editorial shoots and fashion shows have been my life for over 10 years. Far beyond keeping up with the trends, it's a process of improving your level of self-esteem and confidence. I specialize in helping you type so you too can look stylish and feminine. In the recent past I've worked closely with Michael Costello and Mila Hermanovski form Project Runway, Mickey Coffman from The Real L Word, top model Saleisha Stowers, L.A models, the top modeling agency in Los Angeles and many more. I've helped my closest friends widen their fashion sense and now I want to do the same for you. I hope you find

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