Preschool Math Activities
In the following section, we have listed some fun, interesting, and educational games for preschool kids related to math. Whether you are at home or in school, these math activities will definitely get them excited every time.
Leaping Frog
First of all, you will require an open space where you can lay a blue and a green tarp to substitute as a pond and lily pads, respectively. Place the lily pads across the pond (close to one another so that the kids can jump from one lily pad to another). You will have the kids line up and one by one, each kid will jump from one lily pad to the next. As he/she does so, they have to count the number of lily pads they crossed. This way, each kid will get a chance to be a frog and their counting revision can also be done. When there are more kids doing this activity, you can also have them count as the "frog" jumps from lily pad to another.
Nursery Rhyme
For our next math activities for preschoolers at home or school, we will require help from a nursery rhyme - One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. Here's what you need to do. According to the rhyme - One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, close the door. Five, six, pick up sticks. Seven, eight, lay them straight. Nine, ten, a big fat hen. Now, as you sing this rhyme, hold that many objects in your hand and have the kids count them.
Addition & Subtraction
If you are searching for some fun problem solving activities for kids, then here's one they'll love. Take a big box and mark it as "Treasure Box" or "Cashier's Box". For this addition and subtraction activity, you can use any items such as crayons, chocolates, balls, toys, etc. Now, have the kids gather around, place the box and the items in front of them. Have one kid say a number. Let's say if he/she said 4, then you will add 4 items inside the box. Then, another kid will say another number, like 7. So you will ask them that there are already 4 items inside the box. How many more items you need to add in order to get the number to 7. One by one, the kids can say numbers and this way you can explain the addition and subtraction calculations to them.
Printing Numbers
We've got a brain power game that can be used as math activities for preschoolers. Have the kids watched the movie 101 Dalmatians? If not, then you need to have them watch this movie. One, the movie will help with this activity and two, it's a great kids' movie. What you need to do is copy the dalmatian pattern on blank papers. Now for the spots on the dog patterns, leave blank circles with no color. Write down numbers on the paper, next to the pattern. Depending on the number of kids in school, you will write those numbers. Have each kid hold a crayon and copy the number written on the paper and print it inside the blank circles. Once they are finished, all the spots will have numbers printed on.
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