Listen to Free Music on the Internet
When you are thinking of listening to free music, the first issue of concern is the infringement of copy rights. Following is a list of websites which takes care of the legality aspects of listening to and let you enjoy your music. Some of these sites prevent you from downloading the the music and some allow you to do so, and let you enjoy in your home as well as on the go.
If you are eager to it, then websites such as Pandora are of immense use. However, this service requires you to have while listening to the music. Android mobile devices, iPhone, and Adobe Air ap are also supported by the applications provided by this website. Boxee and Logitech’s new Google TV device and few other streaming devices, along with the some of the latest TV models are well supported to be used to access
YouTube Videos
Have no doubts, I am going to talk about separating the audio from thefiles that are available on YouTube. This option gives you access to the hundreds of thousands of music tracks. A website named as Zamzar helps in splitting the audio from video.
Amazon MP3’s
Amazon is a website that is renowned for online shopping. It also sells on the Internet. However, to increase the visibility of their website and to attract customers, it also makes available and allows you to listen to free music by downloading it. You can enjoy it on you PC, MP3/Mp4 player or iPod whenever you like.
Etree for Recordings of Live Concerts
Listening to the recordings of concerts is totally different from listening to the studio recorded songs. The appreciation bestowed by the live audiences present at the concert, on your favorite artist, can be heard along with the music. If you are a concert lover then you may consider accessing 'etree' and using uTorrent to download the audio files of your choice.
Free Music Sites
The Internet also harbors thousands of websites where you can listen to free music by the unknown artist. Here you will be downloading the music with the artists consent which can hardly be considered as an offense. The following is a list of such websites:
- New Melodies
- Far Out Productions (DJ Remixing)
- Oriental Tunes
- AmbientMusicGarden (relaxation & meditation mp3)
- South by southwest festivals + conferences (downloads 2007, 2006 and 2005 festivals)
- ElectroBel (underground electronic music)
- Ektoplazm Psychedelic Trance
- Free Kids Music
- Last-fm (free and paid songs)
- Asian Classical Music
- A Singular Christmas
- Piano Society (asterpieces)
- FreeMP3Mail (links straight to your inbox)
- UKBassline (Drum and Bass)
- GarageBand
- DMusic
- The Internet Underground Music Archives
- Lulu (Digital Recording)
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