Listen to Free Music Online without Downloading
Many users knowingly or unknowingly, tend to visit sites and download pirated music online. This leads to losses of millions of dollars to the music industry. There are a few sites however, that allow you tolegally. Let us have a look at some of the best sites that offer you to listen to free music on the Internet without downloading.
This is great UK based site that offers you They have an exclusive contract with many major artists in UK as well as artists from around the world. Thus, you can listen to many exclusive albums and songs for free online without downloading anything.
Audio Tube
This is an interesting site that has a huge music database. You can search for music and stream the videos for free. You can store the link of the song you like and purchase the music if you want.
Muzu has plenty of more options when it comes to songs as compared to Audiotube. You can share a playlist and without downloading.
We are all aware of YouTube and it's wonders. Just type in the name of the song you love and listen to the music along with its related video for free.
This a really good website that contains a list of different artists, albums and songs. All you need to do is type in your favorite artists name or song and get a list of similar titles. You can even search for some really old albums on this site.
Yahoo!Music is a great place to listen to All you need is an active Yahoo account to be able to access the songs. However, there are chances that you may sometimes not find all the songs that you are looking for.
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