
Saturday 30 July 2011

Electric Wheel Chairs - How Modern Technology Delivers More Speed, Power & Increases Mobility

The electric wheel chair was largely developed as an answer to the demand for a mobility option for seniors or disabled people that had better energy efficiency. While motorized wheel chairs were a huge step forward from chairs of yest-a-year that had to be manually pushed, they were not very reliable when it came to the life of the motor. Chairs powered with electric motor have taken it a step further and now offer a very reliable source of transportation for those with mobility problems.

An electric wheel chair can be made with gears, belts, or a combination of both. While all types of chairs will occasionally need to be serviced and checked for wear and tear, however models designed with belts will need more regular servicing than one designed with modern gears. That said, a belt driven option is likely to be quieter when in operation than most gear operated chairs. No matter what type of chair is chosen, regular maintenance will be needed and replacement parts will be required from time to time.

For the most part, electric wheelchairs will have one stable base frame, though energy saving models that fold up are now available. The other parts included on a chair include the wheels, control system, and battery. Lighter materials are now being used which make the chairs easier to transport, though they are still highly durable. The brakes are typically controlled by a joystick on the arm rest and will automatically hold the chair stable when it is standing still or turned off. Pneumatic or semi-pneumatic wheels are used so they are solid and unlikely to go flat. One common design includes large wheels in the back and smaller caster wheels in front.

U1 batteries are commonly used on these chairs, since they are capable of holding a charge longer than other types of batteries. In general, gel or lead acid rechargeable batteries are typically used. The control system may also vary from one chair to another, but it is designed to basically operate the brakes and turning mechanisms while controlling the speed of the chair as well.

It's true that an electric powered wheel chair with rechargeable batteries can weigh more than a standard manual operated chair, but the extra features make them desirable to many users.

Two advanced features commonly included on electric powered models are the power tilt and recliner. The recliner allows the user to lay back and raise the feet up for more stretched out position while the power tilt allows the seat to be tilted forward.

Today, electric wheel chairs are in high demand. Users enjoy being able to move around on their own and travel at faster speeds and they trust the extra power involved. Since consumer demand is so high, manufacturers are constantly coming out with new models to suit a variety of personal user needs. For instance, there are now chairs designed for easier transfer in and out of the chair and for different deformities or mental states as well as different sensory levels and sitting postures. There are many different options so most users can find the perfect electric wheel chair for their individual needs.

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