
Saturday 30 July 2011

Conversational Tips - How to Properly Use Modern Technology to Talk to a Girl

Electronic Communication (IM, E-Mail, Mobile Phone)

Technology these days has evolved so much and revolutionary breakthroughs have created a technology-dependent society. Depending on where you live around the world, this may or may not apply to you. Here in Canada, which is a technology-dependent society, having the knowledge of using technology is advantageous.

However! I strongly encourage you to watch your spelling, slow down your rate of typing/texting, and reread your composition a few times before sending a message. It is very important to keep this in mind because you don't want any misinterpretations or misunderstandings because a word was typed wrong. Always make sure the message is clear, understandable and with virtually zero mistakes.

Instant Messenger (IM)

There are several different IMs out there today. I will be focusing on MSN instant messenger but this is not the only instant messenger to talk to the girl on. You could use Yahoo Messenger, Facebook messenger, or MSN Messenger, all sorts of different ones, just as long as she's on the same network. I'm focusing on MSN because that is what I believe is most predominant here in Canada.

On msn, women are more relaxed and open because they are in the comfort of their own home. They are ready to initiate a conversation because they know that they can always leave or stop talking whenever they please because there is no physical presence, just a red X between them and you. This is no shocker and you must know this as well.

So what do you do? How do you carry a vibrant conversation that she will enjoy?

It's not rocket science, it's easy. Once you've attained her email address and have added her on your MSN (or she's added you), you can pretty much talk about whatever you want. You start off like any other conversation with your, "hey, what's up?" and always leave an exit for yourself. Once you've reached a climax in your conversation, use the exit created earlier and leave, so she is still thinking about you and how great the conversation was. Be sure to use the little emoticons while messaging as well to ensure that the messages are correctly conveyed to avoid misinterpretation.


E-mail is very similar to communication through an Instant Messenger, but it is harder to communicate consistently. I do not recommend trying to communicate through e-mail because it gets real annoying real fast, if you are trying to use it like an instant messenger.

The best way use e-mail to communicate would be to leave the girl a message letting her know about a plan, event, a thank you note, etc. Refrain from using e-mail until you are comfortably acquainted with communicating through the other mediums. This means don't write her a love e-mail or something like that, because that would creep her out.


Texting is a lot harder than instant messaging or e-mailing because there is a higher rate of typing errors due to auto-word text features (T9) and the lack of emoticons. This leads to a greater level of misinterpretation and frustrations which are both negative emotions that you don't want associated with you.

Here are 6 tips to avoid this:

  1. Simply slow down your speed of texting
  2. Re-read your texts before you send them
  3. Make sure it's simple and understandable.
  4. Keep it short and sweet.
  5. WATCH YOUR SPELLING!!!! I can't stress this enough.
  6. Or just get a Query Phone.

Example of a good text:

"Have a great day babe." or "Hey lovely, have a great day:D"

If you and the girl you're after don't mind texting constantly, this may be the route for you because it's simple, efficient, and you can forge an exit at any time really quickly.

Example of a quick clean exit:

"Hey my phone is going to die, I'll let it charge and text you later. Take care."


Voicemail is very useful if you can convey a message that leaves a lasting memorable impression. The point of leaving a voicemail is to keep it short and sweet but just enough to get replayed. Get you're point across and here is where you could make something sweeter up.

Example of a good voicemail:

"Hey, I was just calling because I wanted to just hear your voice a little and laugh, I'm sure your busy though, hit me back when you get a chance, take care."

You have to remember a combination of IM, e-mail, texting, and voicemail is essential to establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship. The same techniques can be used in various forms of electronic communication and can be interchanged between them.

But key thing to remember when sending a message is WATCH YOUR SPELLING, Slowdown, take your time, and reread your message before sending it. Plan what you will say in the voicemail message before you say it and then record the voicemail.

To learn how to Flirt with Women, Create Sexual Attraction, and make a Perfect Exit,

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