The fashion industry is raging in India as any country in the world. More and more students are taking up this highly creative and outrageous career. Outrageous because there is a lot of differentiating once has to weave in with his or her product. There is no space for a me-too and plagiarism is thrashed.
So those who are highly creative, know how to arm twist fabrics to get the best cut and work for hours on end, get into the industry. While some make it to the top, others get drowned in this highly competitive market. As one has to work under a name before setting up their own label most of the times candidates never really get to set out on their own.
But for those with a will there are platforms like the IFW - the Lakhme sponsored Indian Fashion Week. Where along with the big wigs of the industry novices too get to line up their stuff on the ramp. NIFT - National Institute of Fashion Technology in India is one of the leading Fashion Institutes where one gets to dabble with fabrics, styles and textures. You can walk in as a novice and walks out as a professional. Most of the times campus recruitment soaks in most of the graduating students. Students get a chance to work for Indian labels or International ones. Once you are selected your growth is in your hands.
Students can specialize or work for apparel for men, women or children. All these markets are huge and have an incessant appetite for more. Besides the accessory segment too is booming, allowing students to choose from belts, neckpieces, earrings, footwear, lingerie, handbags and swimwear. A student can join in wherever he or she feels a calling. And switching over is not all that easy but if you are not happy then there can be nothing worse then working in disappointment.
Designs are either done for individual taste or mass market. Students are given the task accordingly to either work for the market where replicas of each design are done or single pieces marked for the elite.
Technology has reached everywhere and even the fashion industry has fashion design software. Where one can work upon the idea and see it on the screen before getting started. Amendments, changes...everything can be done in the dress on the virtual screen. Hence students have to be computer savvy and should have problem solving skills, good communication as well as managerial skills to scale the echelons of the fashion industry.
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