
Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Indian Fashion Apparel Is Imitating West?

Indian market has gone through major changes in policies; liberalization, globalization and privatization projected fast growth and changes in fashion industries. From ancient times the traces of Indians being fashionable can be found out. Globalization is being witnessed after independence and thus Indian dressing has been modified. Indian industry is constantly evolving and emerging. It has been observed that the fashion industry generally gives Indian touch to all the foreign designs.if someone ask me is the Indian fashion is emulating the west? The answer would be yes up to a great extent.

There are many reasons accounting western collision on the Indian attire and outfit industry. As a melting pot of multi national groups, the flexible culture coupled with cultural diversities of India squeeze the entire world in patience posture. Every group has its own exceptional style and variety of costumes and dresses. Indian Fashion designers are famous to blend together these unlike fashions and provide a remarkable Indian touch to them.

One more reason can be involvement and captivating in different beauty shows on intercontinental level. Many significant international beauty pageants had been won recently by Indian women. Indian fashion industry is influenced completely by their fashion.

Indian movies are the most influencing aspect. People of India have a lasting impression on them by watching Indian movies. People blindly follow what the celebrities are wearing in the films. Many of the Indian movies have usage of western patterns in their costumes and this is eventually followed by the Indians.

Transformation has also been brought in the fashion and standard of living of Indian youngsters because of overseas edification and employment opportunities obtainable in foreign countries. They get influenced by the western culture and change themselves with the lifestyle of the foreigners.

Though the West is manipulating the Indian fashion industry the attire appears to be beautiful original designs. Indian fashion has been continually improving to perfection.

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