The retro superstar Ajay Devgn will be seen in a real role with animated co-stars in India's first 3D animation combination feature - Toonpur Ka Superrhero! His better half Kajol will be starring opposite him in the movie. The animated action comedy film has been written by Raaghi Bhatnagar and directed by Kireet Khurana. Sharan Kapoor has produced the movie, while the Indian Idol judge Anu Malik has scored the music for the movie. The film is all set to be released on 17th December 2010.
Unlike its Western counterpart, Bollywood has longed for a good animated movie and the likes of 'Baal Ganesh' and 'Roadside Romeo' tried hard, but in vain for commercial success. The films just couldn't match up to the top notch animation quality from the West. Just the perfect moment, for ace Indian animator Kiran Khurana, who has won numerous awards in the field of animation, to sail the Indian animation industry to higher seas and greater success. Toonpur Ka Superrhero will see the worlds of real life and animation mix and collide to create a one of a kind film.
Real life couple Ajay Devgn and Kajol will be playing a married couple in the movie. Despite all his successes on the big screen, his children want him to become a superhero. In attempts to become a hero in the eyes of his children, 'Aditya' played by Devgn, finds himself on a cartoon show where he must help the 'Devtoons' fight the 'Toonasaurs' - the enemies.
The film is not just made for children but also meant to draw audiences across all age groups. The promos of the film have already generated quite a buzz and the movie is expected to perform well in the Indian circuit especially with the release date being moved closer to the festive season. Toonpur Ka Superhero is laying the foundation for animated films in India.
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