A bridesmaid gift is a way to say thank you to your bridesmaids for helping you with your wedding day. But is giving your bridesmaids the wedding jewellery you intend for them to wear on the day as their bridesmaid gift the right thing too do?
To be honest if money was no object then yes wouldn't it be nice to give your bridesmaids jewellery to wear on the day and a further gift to show your appreciation at the reception but that's not always possible. So to help you with this dilemma there are a few questions you should ask yourself.
At your friend's weddings, did the bride give their bridesmaids jewellery to wear on the day as their gift or did they buy them something else to present to them at the reception?
If the majority of your friends gave their bridesmaid's jewellery for them to wear on the day as their gift then you should be pretty safe doing the same. However if any of your bridesmaids have given separate gifts at their own weddings then you should do the same if you can afford too.
Is the jewellery wearable again, not just at other special occasions for more casual wear?
If yes, then it's acceptable to give wedding jewellery as the bridesmaid gift. However if you know that there is very little chance of them being able to wear it again or it isn't their usual style, get them a separate bridesmaids gift, something that they will enjoy. Remember a gift doesn't mean anything it there's no thought behind it.
Will the men from the wedding party be wearing / using their wedding gifts during the day?
If the best man and ushers are also wearing or using their wedding gift during the big day then it's fine to expect the same of the bridesmaids. But if the men have been given something to use during the day such as cuff links and then given another gift at the reception then so should the bridesmaids. If you've spent money on quality wedding jewellery already for your bridesmaids then a simple token such as a bouquet of flowers would be a nice gesture.
Can I afford to buy my bridesmaids wedding jewellery and another gift?
When it comes to weddings, money places huge restrictions on your choices so if money is a concern either buy your bridesmaids wedding jewellery which can be worn again and acknowledge their help on your big day with something that doesn't cost a lot such as a poem created specifically for them to show how much they're appreciated. Or opt for simple and less expensive wedding jewellery such as a crystal pendant and use the money you were planning on spending on another gift.
If you're budget can't stretch to wedding jewellery and an extra bridesmaid gift but you're concerned that your bridesmaids are expecting this, then don't be afraid to tell them you just can't afford it. If they don't understand they shouldn't be your bridesmaids in the first place.
Deciding whether you can give wedding jewellery as bridesmaid gifts depends on the social norms that operate within your circle of friends, the expectations of the men in the wedding party, the budget you have to spend and whether the jewellery you intend to give as a gift is suitable for the bridesmaids in question.
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